Four cities (Excelsior, Greenwood, Shorewood, and Tonka Bay), through a joint powers agreement, operate the South Lake Minnetonka Police Department. If you have any questions, please contact:
Five cities (Deephaven, Excelsior, Greenwood, Shorewood, and Tonka Bay), through a joint powers agreement, operate the Excelsior Fire District. If you have any questions, please contact:
The EFD and SLMPD typicallly host an Open House & Safety Fair on the first Thursday on October. For more information, visit excelsiorfire.org/events.
View “First Responder TV” episodes here.
View “EFD Recruiting” video here.
View “First Responder TV” episodes here.
View “EFD Recruiting” video here.
Emergency Preparedness
The city of Greenwood is part of the Lake Minnetonka Regional Emergency Preparedness Plan. The South Lake Minnetonka Police Department (SLMPD) has primary responsibility for coordinating and implementing this plan for Greenwood as well as the cities of Excelsior, Shorewood, and Tonka Bay. This is done in partnership with the Excelsior Fire District (EFD), which serves these same four communities along with the city of Deephaven. The Emergency Operation Center for these communities is located at the South Lake Minnetonka Public Safety Facility in Shorewood. This state-of-the-art facility also serves as headquarters for both the SLMPD and EFD. Residents can learn more about the services provided by these departments by going to www.southlakepd.com and www.excelsiorfire.org. Emergency preparedness is both an individual and community responsibility. Residents are encouraged to learn more about what they can do to prepare for a disaster by going to www.ready.gov.
Outdoor Warning Sirens
It is important to recognize that outdoor warning sirens are intended to alert individuals that are outside. These sirens are not intended and / or effective in alerting individuals in their homes or other building structures, especially with the higher construction standards of today where energy efficiency and sound proofing are paramount. Atmospheric conditions including wind speed and direction all effect the range of an outdoor siren. The best method for alerting individuals in their homes and other buildings is through a NOAA weather radio. Many of the deaths attributed to storms occur during the night when people are sleeping in their homes. A NOAA weather radio is designed to alert sleeping individuals when a severe storm is approaching. Weather apps for mobile phones are a more recent method for providing weather alerts.
Outdoor Warning Sirens
It is important to recognize that outdoor warning sirens are intended to alert individuals that are outside. These sirens are not intended and / or effective in alerting individuals in their homes or other building structures, especially with the higher construction standards of today where energy efficiency and sound proofing are paramount. Atmospheric conditions including wind speed and direction all effect the range of an outdoor siren. The best method for alerting individuals in their homes and other buildings is through a NOAA weather radio. Many of the deaths attributed to storms occur during the night when people are sleeping in their homes. A NOAA weather radio is designed to alert sleeping individuals when a severe storm is approaching. Weather apps for mobile phones are a more recent method for providing weather alerts.